Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Centennial - Cheapest International Calls

A Telecommunication network operator based in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since September 2001!!
( Hampir menjelang 10 Tahun !!!)

They offer international calling cards and later,
adding variety of other services such as postpaid direct dial,
PINs & ANI, international callback service,
and wholesale international calling.

Centennial believe in giving customers the best value
for their money even if it means higher costs to us.

Connects to various tier-one carriers using ISDN PRI
for fastest connectivity and highest quality.
Centennial is confident in their promise that
‘We Bring People Closer’.

After all, the quality, reliability
(and not to mention their competitive pricing of their services)
are the keys to our customers' satisfaction
and savings on long-distance calls!

Promotions and contest giveaway has been
organized to reward customers!!

8th Anniversary Promotion

The Great Iphone Giveaway Contest Round 2 !!!!

Efficient services and respond where
I've receive my Iphone for the Round 1
Giveaway contest in just a week !!

That's me and da EYE-PHONE 3Gs !!!! ~~

For more information. Join
Centennial Gateway's Fan Page

^_^ fassst baby, Iphone won't wait !!!!



Digital Marketing Agency said...

Every company is providing me cheap calling cards to India & other countries but there is no voice clarity.

simplecall said...

Can i know the best offers for Cheapest International Calls, Cheap international calls, cheapest international calls, cheapest international calls to Mobiles, Cheapest International calls to landlines.