at Trader Hotel for da Dentyne Confidance Event.
Never been there. I walk around like a Village girl ....
OwHHh and da dance workshop is upstairs.
On way up, saw some cute design for this
football season. Sorry, my hand keep shaking today T.T
I start getting nervous when I see this kind of
environment .... (am a coward coward coward)
Register yourself and get a shirt ^^v
Yes I get one. Didn't snap myself today coz I look sick.
and Sticker too .... =__=||
Feel to stick all over my face, so that nobody
can recognize me... T.T ~
Lucky Draw to win a Sony Ericsson Handphone!
Don't think, Just Dance printed on da shirt.
If only I know how to move... T.T ~~~
Sponsor and Partner and nice arse!
Main entrance. Some dancer already showing off their
skill. Gugu gagaga Gugu gagaga ~~
Each section finished.
Instructor will explain da meaning of dancing.
Lucky Draw after 1st section dancing.
This is how a Lucky person looks like ^^
and this is how a Lucky Lucky kids look like !
He won the Grand Prize Handphone ~~~
OMG OMG , so young already so ONG !!
Then we have a break.
Boss bring me to eat at Prangin Mall.
I didn't know there's a hawker inside.
U see, I'm a fail Penang-lang T.T ~
I got my free Laksa... not bad.
Luckily not spicy or else I gonna cry mother cry father.
Soliii , I duno why my hand keep shaking today T.T ~
Free wantan mee and it's nice ~
I will come again and snap a better picture.
and it's RM3.00 ..... =_=|||
I dunno what's this call but look nice.
Gonna drop by to eat this soon !!! ~~~
Our instructor found his long lost twins in da complex !
His twins isn't bad too. She can Yo Yo Yo while serving us.
Lucky Draw again after 2nd section dancing.
ngaa... another fella get a new handphone!
How bout me ?? hehEHhehee...
Got some Dentyne ... >.<||
and Dentyne...
and Dentyne....!!!! ^^|||
Get sick again after this.
Why ar ?? Every time I went out alone to try
out new thing. I sure get home and SICK !!!
This is a real bad habit.
Too excited, sick ...
Too nervous, sick ...
Too tension, sick ...
haiZzz , bodohhhhhh !
eh don call us boss wei...
and glad u came... :)
next time got other event i call u again
* scare * T.T ~~
I want the chewing gum!
Will treat u all kind of gum when we meet up.
From elephant gum to chewing gum !! xD
Hello Ryejoe,I'm Tam Di,from Vietnam. I saw your quote on the forum with Dynasty Marine Farm topic. Cause I'm finding the information about the plan and the company before investing. I was known that you has invested a plot in 2007, now is 2010,did you receive your batchs in 3years?and is that true? Please can email to me by acc Your help is very meaning to me!Thanks you.
That is the seaweed plan that you said.
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