Monday, December 21, 2009

Batuk Batuk Kering

Batuk Batuk Kering....
Batuk di dalam Office,

Batuk Batuk Kering...
Batuk sampaiku Pening ~~

Jing Jing nak Ubat Batuk,
Tapi sayang ubat tak ada

Jing Jing nak STOP batuk,
Tapi sayang takde tenaga.
(Lagu Lenggang Kangkung versi Batuk Jing)

Terrible cough for almost a month.
My company doesn't provide medical claim.

Bough 3 bottles of syrup RM30.
Finish 2 of them and still cough T.T

There I go General Hospital ...T.T
Line up for 20 minute RM1.....

This is my drug T.T

This for cough... taste sweet ^_^

This to gargle and kill germs...
Taste like aerosol... T.T

Vitamin C !! Nice nice ~~ xD !!!

One week later...
I visit GH again... T.T

I told da Doctor.... I came last week.
My throat still itchy T.T ~

There she buang me even more ubat ....O.O|||

Same ONE bottle of syrup.... after drink it feel so sleepyyyy!!!
Another aeroso to garglel... it taste really GELI ~~~~~
ANTIBIOTIC ....... hmmm okie !

Then the simall-simall yellow tablet....
Doctor say... makan ini when you feel GATAL ... >.<
( Ehh, my inner throat itchy la.... =_=|| )

Lastly Panadol.... o.O ....
Why gimme panadol ar ????
Isit da Doctor predict I will gets fever...
and gone crazy soon.... =__=|||

and... don't have Vitamin C this time wor
YeEEeRRRrrr...... ={

So, tonight I gonna sekali telan semua...
Good Night.... T.T ~


TianChad田七摄影 said...

Jingjing take care ya.
It is better to let your body recover itself and strengthen the immunity

Jing Jing said...

how ar chadchad???

Mean duwan take those medicine ar?
But I'm kinda weak de wor.
Let it recover itself might took months T.T ~

Now I wat oso kenot do...
Kenot sport, kenot eat, kenot talk is da worse part =__=|||