Thursday, April 30, 2009

WOU Post@Postcard Contest

Always love photo contest , ALWAYSsSss DO !! =D

Saw this Wawasan Open University Advertisement
blinking almost everywhere !!

The prizes are sOOoo attractive but how to grab it ??

First, you gotta ask yourself a few questions....

Are you Creative?

Are you Kredif?

Are you Great Thief?
huh ~~~ ??

alright, you are qualify to participate. =D ~
for more details , go to

Wondering my submission? Like usual....
I always likes to show off.... ( <-- Slap This B*tch )
waChaAa pose that tears my pant ~

i freeze there in pain with a smile ~
howw torturing ~~ ... =.="

my submission seems too plain so i decided
to show off in the public.... aha~ xD ~

ballancing is important at this moment...
or.... prepare to Pok-Kai , oh... is Pok-Tree!!


jeng jeng jeng~~

everybody thinks I'm crazy when I try to climb
up this tree....

hundreds of eyes staring at us....
...but... to win is to sacrify.... =}

I did came out with some ideas but feel too common...
I'm affraid of height so, kinda hard to snap this....

Trying hundred pose here but I'm not
in the mood. Been fooling around in the bathtub~

nah, u got me wrong...
this isn't my submission... xD
I really doing a big business here....

feel so bored, so I ask my friend
to pass me the netbook lor... hahahah~

Why I never close my door ??
After done with the submission, I start pampering myself ~
Kinda no ONG lately, so I go enjoy .....
I feel is time to shorten it as it is very heavy!!

my personal hair styliSShhh xD ~

Though since I'm reading, might
submit to WOU but then think think....
FAILED !!!, catch my new hair style next blog.
(nothing much change honestly =.=")
then my shopping trip as well.....
Hopefully, those prize is on their way
and I can continue showing off.... =D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Prizes for April 2009

Astro The Spirit Contest
1) Casio Exilim Ex-S10
thought I didn't win.... =}

always wanted a better kamara =} ~

thin, big screen and auto detect smile =D ~

P1W1max Contest
1) Goodies Bag... Cap, Mug, Pen and....
Ipod Shuffle , pink again..... =.=" ~

=D Shery Hohoho again, help me
to pick them up ....xD ~ ten kiuuuU~~~~
or else I got nothings to show off now... =} ~

2) Apple Ipod Shuffle 1gb Green
yea... i dont have green.... =}

3) Apple Ipod Shuffle 1gb Pink
hmm.... pink, pink ~!! #*$#&*$^*%@%

Anglia Contest - Shinjuku Incident
1) GSC Tickets
noo... i still haven't step my foot into cinema.

my sister have it for her date ... =} ~

Forget Contest
1) Nissan Keychain
how good if its for real... haha, in my dream!

i capture it like have won a brand new car...xD ~
Cathay Watchmen Contest
1) Watchmen Torch Light Keychain
2) Watchmen Soundtrack

I was hoping for the watch but this one is cute either~

win kinda few for this month, so decided to play with it =}

yea... gona show u how this works =D ~ CUTEEEE isn't it !!!

torturing it for a few minutes as got nothing much
to play this month ={ ~

Shell James Bond Contest
1) Jusco Voucher RM120
another free shopping trip ~~ =D~

yala yala... i shop for some already before i
remember to snap a complete set...

CIMB click Contest
1) RM50

yea... is worth to skip my lunch and rush
my way to AmBank, yes AmBank....
How BluR!!....go AmBank open CIMB account =.="

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rewarding myself

I rarely go out but jail myself in the room for....

contest contest contest....

sometimes, my friend have to find a way, get me a laptop...
yea... she's the birthday girl and yea... is her laptop =.="

and kidnap me out with them...

sometimes i'm kinda entertaining... =.="

and when i see them high high dei , i also join in ~ =D

Time to do my shopping.... my time always limited ~

grab some formal shirt to work... yea, I'm kinda tomboy ~

then get some looks a lil ladies one....
coz I doesn't wana look like a tomboy =.="....

Head to Kenny Roger....

I really feel to have a real dinner ~

as I always skip 'em or having instant noodle....

Didn't really go taste it since I won 'em ~
Grab my new Casio Camera & tested the macro as well...

hmmm.... not bad =}...

alright... my happy hour every weekend...

aha, thanks Shery Hohoho for those snack...
I fully enjoy my weekend xD ~
yea.... she indirectly lead me to drink... opsSss ~

Kinda slow form in contest lately ={ ....
Get some prizes for April already but...
still it doesn't boost me up.... ~

WHY ar?? Maybe I feel kinda tired...
Always won some prizes but never got time to touch them.... =.="
Someone mind give a hard slap at my back ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ChocoMosquito Contest Winner

Is time to announce my mini contest's result...

Jing Jing ChochoMosquito Contest...=}

and the winner goesss toooo....

Miss Ayuarjuna from.... where ar ??

she funnily kidnap her son and order him to do this.... O.o" ~

you may view her submission at her blog;


Impress me enough that she can think of racquet ...=.="
and luckily she didn't dress him like a mosquito.... =} ~

so.... Congratulation and...
thanks for your support =D !!

Wish me ONG ONG ONG for this April ....
so I can organize another mini contest xD !! ~

Currently collecting HABUK (dust) at home....
But I'm not giving up... you too !!

Let's go hunting....and it'll never stop!~
WooOShhhhh.......... !!!!!!!!!

Wondering when I can blog for my April's Winning....
Who had stolen my ONG ONG ONG ?? >x{

* geez

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Is kinda hard to pass the night in darkness ...

even it's just an hour....

the worse is when the kids start screaming... =.="

WoOOoo EhhhhhHh WOoOoo EHhHHhhh

so something came up my mind....

I asked them to draw under candle light...

and show me thier drawings.... =}

he feel funNNnnn.... ~

butzz.... gets bored after that ... =.="

Sooo, i suggest to play toyyyyys under candle light ...

errr... looks like doesn't work to mei mei ....

okie... changed my mind ....=/

how bout we play Hide & Seek ??????
under torchlight ?.....


so, mei mei start her mission....

well.... she's kinda geram mode like me sometimes.... =.="

and when it doesn't work...

force to be rought just a lil bit ... xD ~

it did scare him off a lil bit ..... and he pop out O.O" ~

I suggest to stop the game before....
mei mei is goin to throw MORE bolster... =.=" ~

so... the fun of darkness is over and....