Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bengkel Life - Exhaust Pipe

Last year, this man from Chan Brothers borrowed me his garage.

as playground.... ==

and let me hop around ~~

This year...
He, Ah Chan loop me in his Youtube Channel : Bengkel Life...
to sing some song, drink some tea,
blow some water and doremi ~

Genius like me know everything!!

Anything short that needs to be long, ask me !
Any screwdriver's that can't be screw, screw me!
I mean..... ASK ME !!!!!

This episode gets screwed more than 1500 view in a day !

I have no idea why....
Maybe this kind of face deserve to be poke 1500 times! O.O

Dear idiots newbie drivers,
Hope this 3 minutes video saved your life ~~~

Same species


Gotta rush to Love Bites to catch Ms.Amber Chia

Do poke me at Bengkel Life Youtube channel every Tuesday!
Satu minggu satu kali, Satu hari poke 3 kali .....

Exhaust Pipe ? Sup sup sui la ~~ !!!
* prOOooff and disappear in the air *


Unknown said...

that face really tiok pa 100000 times

Jing Jing said...

>.< .... aiyo!!!