Saturday, April 4, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Is kinda hard to pass the night in darkness ...

even it's just an hour....

the worse is when the kids start screaming... =.="

WoOOoo EhhhhhHh WOoOoo EHhHHhhh

so something came up my mind....

I asked them to draw under candle light...

and show me thier drawings.... =}

he feel funNNnnn.... ~

butzz.... gets bored after that ... =.="

Sooo, i suggest to play toyyyyys under candle light ...

errr... looks like doesn't work to mei mei ....

okie... changed my mind ....=/

how bout we play Hide & Seek ??????
under torchlight ?.....


so, mei mei start her mission....

well.... she's kinda geram mode like me sometimes.... =.="

and when it doesn't work...

force to be rought just a lil bit ... xD ~

it did scare him off a lil bit ..... and he pop out O.O" ~

I suggest to stop the game before....
mei mei is goin to throw MORE bolster... =.=" ~

so... the fun of darkness is over and....